Start Cytoscape and go to the App Manager (Apps → App Manager).
Click the Install from File... button and select the RINalyzer.jar file.
Repeat the same action with the structureViz.jar file.
To check if the installation was successful, go to Apps to find the RINalyzer and structureViz menu options.
Launch UCSF Chimera from within Cytoscape:
Start Cytoscape
If not using the default Chimera installation directory, set the path to the Chimera executable file in Apps → structureViz → Settings .... These settings are specific to each network in Cytoscape.
Go to Apps → structureViz → Launch Chimera.
Once Chimera has been started successfully, the last used path is saved in the session file. If no other path is specified in the structureViz Settings, this path is used for launching Chimera next time.
Requirements and Installation for Cytoscape 2.x
Install RINalyzer plugin:
Ensure that Java 6 is installed using this test web page. If Java 6 is not installed, just update it or download and install it from here.
Download the file RINalyzer.jarhere and copy it into the plugins folder of Cytoscape, e.g. C:\Program Files\Cytoscape_v2.8.0\plugins\ on a Windows machine; /Applications/Cytoscape_v2.8.0/plugins/ on a Macintosh; and $HOME/Cytoscape_v2.8.0/plugins/ on a Linux machine.
Now start Cytoscape and find the RINalyzer menu options in the Plugins menu.
Configure the path to the Chimera application in Cytoscape:
Go to the Cytoscape Preferences Editor (Edit → Preferences → Properties).
Click the Add button and enter the name of the property: Chimera.chimeraPath
Click OK and enter the path to the Chimera application. On a Linux machine this could be $HOME/chimera/bin, on a Windows machine: C:\Program Files\Chimera\bin, and on a Macintosh: /Applications/
Save the new preferences by clicking the option MakeCurrentCytoscapePropertiesDefault at the bottom of the dialog.
Now PDB files can be loaded in Chimera through the RINalyzer menu options.